
Jul 23, 2019

Peanut Butter & Oat Dog Treats

Updated: Mar 3

These are Zu’s favorite treats! He loves peanut butter and fortunately, neither of us have a peanut allergy. They are super easy to make, very basic recipe...oat flour, rolled oats, peanut butter and water.

As I’ve mentioned in a previous post, I make my own oat flour. The price of organic oat flour fluctuates and there have been times when I couldn’t find it on the shelves at all. I use a food processor and process about two cups at a time. For the dog treats, I leave the bigger bits in the flour. If I were making cookies for friends and family, I would sift it so the dough is smoother.

​I separate the ingredients in the bowl just like in the photo above. I pour the 1 cup of hot water over the rolled oats and peanut butter. The oats will soak up the moisture and the peanut butter will melt a bit. Instead of a mixer, I use a Tovolo Dough Wisk. I really love this kitchen tool. It’s so easy to combine the ingredients and super easy to clean. The oats and oat flour should soak up the water completely but if it’s too dry, add a little more hot water. If too wet, add more flour. The final step before the oven is to egg wash the treats. Scramble a raw egg in a bowl and brush on to each cookie.

After baking for 40 minutes, I like to turn off the oven and let them cool inside for an hour. It makes them very crunchy. This step is not necessary but Zu seems to like that super crunch.

Purchase gift bags, make your own label, and give them to friends and family!